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Wednesday, December 28, 2011

THappy New Year

The newness never ends
We appreciate it to deflect
Our attention and mind
With each new seconds
With each new date
With each new moment
With each new friend
With each new relative

It is just to divert our pains
It is just to divert our minds
It is just to divert out hearts
To fill it with new zeal
To fill it with new meal
To fill it with new bill

What a new sense we have
What a courage we have
Never disheartened with the hardest time
Never discouraged with the hardest knowledge
Yes we men & women are too crazy
Like to welcome every thing
Repeatedly with the new energy
That is why we celebrate all the occasations
With even better vigour and vision
Than the past, erroring nothing
But, loosing the core of humanity.

Happy new year, 2012
To one and all.

Saturday, December 17, 2011

The Timeless Time

The  modern life is so tense and full of speed, that, now none of us have even a fraction of minute to delay for any reason, because, we don't want to be behind anybody and any where lost in the race, it may be maintain at any cost or rate, it won't matter whether it takes our life, which is the most precious thing in this universe, see, this is the world where we are living at present, but, it has lost its luster with too much glitters, not due to sun shine but due to our own wishes and minde, which is not ready to wait for a second or its fraction, for it makes our body run in its fullest motion, as it is lured my many lures, day and night, without and wish of a great knight. Hence, we must think over it, because, due to uncalculated and irrational speed we are loosing our most precious life in the most priceless way.

I think speed is good, but, better or the best in company of complete of security and safety. The speed is for the service of mankind not for the regulating mankind. Hence, we must try to give priorities to life and its supporting things for its care and developing better civilization than to the irrational desire and slavery of speed, which ends in nothing, but a critical condition, painful to one and all, but, with practicality and speed and professional attitude man has become more immune to its prime concern 'the humanity and feeling of humanitarion senses'. Why?

Thursday, June 2, 2011

Poverty & Adversity are the Best Guru

I think that it is not neither the God, nor the Nature, not even the preacher is the best Guru [the teacher], it the time and its odd segments like poverty and adversity are the best Guru and guide, because, the preacher has his human and worldly limitation, due to limited knowledge, he or she is bounded by certain social, familial, personal, professional boundations, which stops to transfer transparent knowledge, with purity, enlightenment, effectiveness, sincerity, etc. While, the different aspects of nature, too have their respective limitations, although, they too impart very valuable knowledge like that a guide or professor used to, but, they too have their limitations, for instance, one can know and understand the culture, climate and society of the particular place, where, he or she has lived for longer duration of life with alert and learning aptitude and mind; for instance, the white dress of the Rajasthan is the mark that, it stress to maintain honesty, dignity, patience and peace, because, in the atmosphere of a desert area the life of people are full of acute criticality, for them, the value of person is more than any thing else, because, they are much low in density, and being a social being, no person can exist for longer phase of life with strength, due to sickness of loneliness. Likewise, even the God can not teach us anything directly, though, He is the supreme body with limitless authorities, knowledge, power, etc., in other words we can say that, in all the galaxies, cosmoses, universes, worlds, environments, cultures, societies, regimes, knowledge, ect., He dwell and from Him all the things, shapes, lives, knowledge starts and eventually submerges. All the things are being shared indirectly, so, even He is not a perfect teacher. Then who is?

            I think the best teacher is the Time, its different phases like: happiness, glories, comic, tragic, etc., but, the phases of tragedy like: poverty and adversity. The importance of the Time has been well explained by Late Mr Balraj Shahani in his film “Wakt”,
Wakt se hai din aur rat
Wakt se hai aaj aur kal
Wakt ka har sai gulam
Wakt ka har sai par raj
Na jaane walk ka kab badle mizaz


The time is source of day and night
The time is the main record of past and future
The time is the best ruler of the world
The time has full command over everything
No body knows, when the twist of time will take place

While, the importance of poverty or adversity is well accepted, appreciated and exemplified in all the past & present literature, because, it is the best source of knowledge, wisdom and achievements. It can be viewed by the life of the leading characters of all the societies like: Vishwamitra, Agust, Paigambar Hazarat Mohammad, Jesus, Canfusious, Guru Nanak, Budha, Mahabir, Rama, Savari, Gandhi, Rana Pratap, Chanakya, Chandragupta, Krishna, Kabir, Tulsi, Ravidas, Dr BR Ambedakar, etc.  They are of not an age, but of all the ages, why, because of their respective virtues, which they incurred and developed due to critical life of poverty and adversity with perfect patience. The furnace of poverty and adversity has purified their heart, mind and body to the best in collaboration with patience. It not only gave peace, safety and longitivity to their life and society, but, made them the perennial preacher for all the generations indifferent to boundaries. While the modern man, society and civilization is more unsafe and full of confusion and turmoil even after having developed the best sources of safety, security, travel, information and luxury. Why?

            In the Mahabhart Kunti the mother of the Pandavas asked the Lord Krishna to award her life and forth coming generation and lives after death with poverty and adversity, because, it will lead them in the best direction with patience, as they will never forget the Almighty God, and possibly will get his company again. Actually, poverty and adversity make us more humane in nature, which forbids us from committing any crime, knowingly or unknowingly, this is why, the prophet Hazart Mohammad stress that, we must always remember the God by reading the namaj for at least five times a day, and worship every thing in the world and universe as the part and partial of the God, for, He is the originator, preserver and destroyer, that is what has been symbolized by the Trinity of the Gods in the Hindu culture, moreover, the same theory is differently explained by the Sanatan Concept that all the universe, its creature, particles are really the part of the God, with the help of different types of Gods. All these things can be well realized by the person who has seen and experienced the life and its realities with the open eyes, which can be possible when we have the true humane sentiment. And, the truth can be visualized by the uncovering the layer of ignorance. Thus, the poverty and adversity work as purifier of human soul, from the lusty luster of luxury, comfort, selfishness, quest for more and more acquisitions. Because, in reality it is the den, where man loose the power of true wisdom, to take judicious actions. In practical life, we can see galours of examples that, the prime prince of the crime and criminals are non other than the people of the higher society with luxorious taste of life, they plan and commit crime due to their over ambicious nature, lack of fundamental knowledge of life and society and culture; for them money, melody, muscle, mauve are the best things, while the rest things and lives are useless, meaningless and sensless. Here, poverty and adversity does not mean only the physical paucity of things, it may be spiritual, it may be intellectual, it may be ethical, it may be educational, it may be practical aspects of life and its deficiencies. It requires only a few things like patience, alert mind, open heart, sympathetic nature, empathetic attitude, but, these things are used by cunning fellows for selfih goals, like, Mr Rahul Gandhi is too worried about the people and their welfare, but, never worried about the orphans and begger in New Delhi, particularly, the children. I am saying so, because, if we want to progress, we have to take care about others too, by realizing others needs and demands. If, somebody is left behind, then, the justice is denied.

So, poverty and adversity is the best teacher
For, progress, growth, unity, integrity
To, lead in the safe and peaceful environment
As all of us nothing but the same
For, we are integrated with each other from the Supreme Soul
But, have different profile, face, culture and trait
In the mid of mundane confuse atmosphere
Fighting with each other, for each other
For nothing, for temporal and mortal things
That blinded us with the evilest sin
That gives us eternal wound.
Hence, we must beg from the Almighty
The true treasury of the Humanity
The truth in action, the beauty in vision
The feeling of sympathy mingled with compassion
The feeling of empathy via true integration
Because, all of us are too pauper due arrogant sensation
That, detains us from the track of progress
That keeps us aloof from the Almighty’s compassion
By Ausalting on our mind, heart, body and soul
With venomous and deadly sour sores.
Hence, all of us deserted by the God
Due to materialist and worldy luxorius comfort.
Now we are spiritually, ethically dissolved / bankrupt
By living and throwing things away
With an unhappy gesture of disgust
Assuming and hating
Things and people
Poor and adverse
That, darkens our soul and mind
With, the dustiest desert.

Poverty & Adversity are the Best Guru

            I think that it is not neither the God, nor the Nature, not even the preacher is the best Guru [the teacher], it the time and its odd segments like poverty and adversity are the best Guru and guide, because, the preacher has his human and worldly limitation, due to limited knowledge, he or she is bounded by certain social, familial, personal, professional boundations, which stops to transfer transparent knowledge, with purity, enlightenment, effectiveness, sincerity, etc. While, the different aspects of nature, too have their respective limitations, although, they too impart very valuable knowledge like that a guide or professor used to, but, they too have their limitations, for instance, one can know and understand the culture, climate and society of the particular place, where, he or she has lived for longer duration of life with alert and learning aptitude and mind; for instance, the white dress of the Rajasthan is the mark that, it stress to maintain honesty, dignity, patience and peace, because, in the atmosphere of a desert area the life of people are full of acute criticality, for them, the value of person is more than any thing else, because, they are much low in density, and being a social being, no person can exist for longer phase of life with strength, due to sickness of loneliness. Likewise, even the God can not teach us anything directly, though, He is the supreme body with limitless authorities, knowledge, power, etc., in other words we can say that, in all the galaxies, cosmoses, universes, worlds, environments, cultures, societies, regimes, knowledge, ect., He dwell and from Him all the things, shapes, lives, knowledge starts and eventually submerges. All the things are being shared indirectly, so, even He is not a perfect teacher. Then who is?

            I think the best teacher is the Time, its different phases like: happiness, glories, comic, tragic, etc., but, the phases of tragedy like: poverty and adversity. The importance of the Time has been well explained by Late Mr Balraj Shahani in his film “Wakt”,
Wakt se hai din aur rat
Wakt se hai aaj aur kal
Wakt ka har sai gulam
Wakt ka har sai par raj
Na jaane walk ka kab badle mizaz


The time is source of day and night
The time is the main record of past and future
The time is the best ruler of the world
The time has full command over everything
No body knows, when the twist of time will take place

While, the importance of poverty or adversity is well accepted, appreciated and exemplified in all the past & present literature, because, it is the best source of knowledge, wisdom and achievements. It can be viewed by the life of the leading characters of all the societies like: Vishwamitra, Agust, Paigambar Hazarat Mohammad, Jesus, Canfusious, Guru Nanak, Budha, Mahabir, Rama, Savari, Gandhi, Rana Pratap, Chanakya, Chandragupta, Krishna, Kabir, Tulsi, Ravidas, Dr BR Ambedakar, etc.  They are of not an age, but of all the ages, why, because of their respective virtues, which they incurred and developed due to critical life of poverty and adversity with perfect patience. The furnace of poverty and adversity has purified their heart, mind and body to the best in collaboration with patience. It not only gave peace, safety and longitivity to their life and society, but, made them the perennial preacher for all the generations indifferent to boundaries. While the modern man, society and civilization is more unsafe and full of confusion and turmoil even after having developed the best sources of safety, security, travel, information and luxury. Why?

            In the Mahabhart Kunti the mother of the Pandavas asked the Lord Krishna to award her life and forth coming generation and lives after death with poverty and adversity, because, it will lead them in the best direction with patience, as they will never forget the Almighty God, and possibly will get his company again. Actually, poverty and adversity make us more humane in nature, which forbids us from committing any crime, knowingly or unknowingly, this is why, the prophet Hazart Mohammad stress that, we must always remember the God by reading the namaj for at least five times a day, and worship every thing in the world and universe as the part and partial of the God, for, He is the originator, preserver and destroyer, that is what has been symbolized by the Trinity of the Gods in the Hindu culture, moreover, the same theory is differently explained by the Sanatan Concept that all the universe, its creature, particles are really the part of the God, with the help of different types of Gods. All these things can be well realized by the person who has seen and experienced the life and its realities with the open eyes, which can be possible when we have the true humane sentiment. And, the truth can be visualized by the uncovering the layer of ignorance. Thus, the poverty and adversity work as purifier of human soul, from the lusty luster of luxury, comfort, selfishness, quest for more and more acquisitions. Because, in reality it is the den, where man loose the power of true wisdom, to take judicious actions. In practical life, we can see galours of examples that, the prime prince of the crime and criminals are non other than the people of the higher society with luxorious taste of life, they plan and commit crime due to their over ambicious nature, lack of fundamental knowledge of life and society and culture; for them money, melody, muscle, mauve are the best things, while the rest things and lives are useless, meaningless and sensless. Here, poverty and adversity does not mean only the physical paucity of things, it may be spiritual, it may be intellectual, it may be ethical, it may be educational, it may be practical aspects of life and its deficiencies. It requires only a few things like patience, alert mind, open heart, sympathetic nature, empathetic attitude, but, these things are used by cunning fellows for selfih goals, like, Mr Rahul Gandhi is too worried about the people and their welfare, but, never worried about the orphans and begger in New Delhi, particularly, the children. I am saying so, because, if we want to progress, we have to take care about others too, by realizing others needs and demands. If, somebody is left behind, then, the justice is denied.

So, poverty and adversity is the best teacher
For, progress, growth, unity, integrity
To, lead in the safe and peaceful environment
As all of us nothing but the same
For, we are integrated with each other from the Supreme Soul
But, have different profile, face, culture and trait
In the mid of mundane confuse atmosphere
Fighting with each other, for each other
For nothing, for temporal and mortal things
That blinded us with the evilest sin
That gives us eternal wound.
Hence, we must beg from the Almighty
The true treasury of the Humanity
The truth in action, the beauty in vision
The feeling of sympathy mingled with compassion
The feeling of empathy via true integration
Because, all of us are too pauper due arrogant sensation
That, detains us from the track of progress
That keeps us aloof from the Almighty’s compassion
By Ausalting on our mind, heart, body and soul
With venomous and deadly sour sores.
Hence, all of us deserted by the God
Due to materialist and worldy luxorius comfort.
Now we are spiritually, ethically dissolved / bankrupt
By living and throwing things away
With an unhappy gesture of disgust
Assuming and hating
Things and people
Poor and adverse
That, darkens our soul and mind
With, the dustiest dust & desert.

Poverty & Adversity are the Best Guru

            I think that it is not neither the God, nor the Nature, not even the preacher is the best Guru [the teacher], it the time and its odd segments like poverty and adversity are the best Guru and guide, because, the preacher has his human and worldly limitation, due to limited knowledge, he or she is bounded by certain social, familial, personal, professional boundations, which stops to transfer transparent knowledge, with purity, enlightenment, effectiveness, sincerity, etc. While, the different aspects of nature, too have their respective limitations, although, they too impart very valuable knowledge like that a guide or professor used to, but, they too have their limitations, for instance, one can know and understand the culture, climate and society of the particular place, where, he or she has lived for longer duration of life with alert and learning aptitude and mind; for instance, the white dress of the Rajasthan is the mark that, it stress to maintain honesty, dignity, patience and peace, because, in the atmosphere of a desert area the life of people are full of acute criticality, for them, the value of person is more than any thing else, because, they are much low in density, and being a social being, no person can exist for longer phase of life with strength, due to sickness of loneliness. Likewise, even the God can not teach us anything directly, though, He is the supreme body with limitless authorities, knowledge, power, etc., in other words we can say that, in all the galaxies, cosmoses, universes, worlds, environments, cultures, societies, regimes, knowledge, ect., He dwell and from Him all the things, shapes, lives, knowledge starts and eventually submerges. All the things are being shared indirectly, so, even He is not a perfect teacher. Then who is?

            I think the best teacher is the Time, its different phases like: happiness, glories, comic, tragic, etc., but, the phases of tragedy like: poverty and adversity. The importance of the Time has been well explained by Late Mr Balraj Shahani in his film “Wakt”,
Wakt se hai din aur rat
Wakt se hai aaj aur kal
Wakt ka har sai gulam
Wakt ka har sai par raj
Na jaane walk ka kab badle mizaz


The time is source of day and night
The time is the main record of past and future
The time is the best ruler of the world
The time has full command over everything
No body knows, when the twist of time will take place

While, the importance of poverty or adversity is well accepted, appreciated and exemplified in all the past & present literature, because, it is the best source of knowledge, wisdom and achievements. It can be viewed by the life of the leading characters of all the societies like: Vishwamitra, Agust, Paigambar Hazarat Mohammad, Jesus, Canfusious, Guru Nanak, Budha, Mahabir, Rama, Savari, Gandhi, Rana Pratap, Chanakya, Chandragupta, Krishna, Kabir, Tulsi, Ravidas, Dr BR Ambedakar, etc.  They are of not an age, but of all the ages, why, because of their respective virtues, which they incurred and developed due to critical life of poverty and adversity with perfect patience. The furnace of poverty and adversity has purified their heart, mind and body to the best in collaboration with patience. It not only gave peace, safety and longitivity to their life and society, but, made them the perennial preacher for all the generations indifferent to boundaries. While the modern man, society and civilization is more unsafe and full of confusion and turmoil even after having developed the best sources of safety, security, travel, information and luxury. Why?

            In the Mahabhart Kunti the mother of the Pandavas asked the Lord Krishna to award her life and forth coming generation and lives after death with poverty and adversity, because, it will lead them in the best direction with patience, as they will never forget the Almighty God, and possibly will get his company again. Actually, poverty and adversity make us more humane in nature, which forbids us from committing any crime, knowingly or unknowingly, this is why, the prophet Hazart Mohammad stress that, we must always remember the God by reading the namaj for at least five times a day, and worship every thing in the world and universe as the part and partial of the God, for, He is the originator, preserver and destroyer, that is what has been symbolized by the Trinity of the Gods in the Hindu culture, moreover, the same theory is differently explained by the Sanatan Concept that all the universe, its creature, particles are really the part of the God, with the help of different types of Gods. All these things can be well realized by the person who has seen and experienced the life and its realities with the open eyes, which can be possible when we have the true humane sentiment. And, the truth can be visualized by the uncovering the layer of ignorance. Thus, the poverty and adversity work as purifier of human soul, from the lusty luster of luxury, comfort, selfishness, quest for more and more acquisitions. Because, in reality it is the den, where man loose the power of true wisdom, to take judicious actions. In practical life, we can see galours of examples that, the prime prince of the crime and criminals are non other than the people of the higher society with luxorious taste of life, they plan and commit crime due to their over ambicious nature, lack of fundamental knowledge of life and society and culture; for them money, melody, muscle, mauve are the best things, while the rest things and lives are useless, meaningless and sensless. Here, poverty and adversity does not mean only the physical paucity of things, it may be spiritual, it may be intellectual, it may be ethical, it may be educational, it may be practical aspects of life and its deficiencies. It requires only a few things like patience, alert mind, open heart, sympathetic nature, empathetic attitude, but, these things are used by cunning fellows for selfih goals, like, Mr Rahul Gandhi is too worried about the people and their welfare, but, never worried about the orphans and begger in New Delhi, particularly, the children. I am saying so, because, if we want to progress, we have to take care about others too, by realizing others needs and demands. If, somebody is left behind, then, the justice is denied.

So, poverty and adversity is the best teacher
For, progress, growth, unity, integrity
To, lead in the safe and peaceful environment
As all of us nothing but the same
For, we are integrated with each other from the Supreme Soul
But, have different profile, face, culture and trait
In the mid of mundane confuse atmosphere
Fighting with each other, for each other
For nothing, for temporal and mortal things
That blinded us with the evilest sin
That gives us eternal wound.
Hence, we must beg from the Almighty
The true treasury of the Humanity
The truth in action, the beauty in vision
The feeling of sympathy mingled with compassion
The feeling of empathy via true integration
Because, all of us are too pauper due arrogant sensation
That, detains us from the track of progress
That keeps us aloof from the Almighty’s compassion
By Ausalting on our mind, heart, body and soul
With venomous and deadly sour sores.
Hence, all of us deserted by the God
Due to materialist and worldy luxorius comfort.
Now we are spiritually, ethically dissolved / bankrupt
By living and throwing things away
With an unhappy gesture of disgust
Assuming and hating
Things and people
Poor and adverse
That, darkens our soul and mind
With the dusties desert.

Saturday, May 28, 2011

The Cruelty of Man

The man of today’s time has lost all his senses, logic and humanity; he has totally become fanatic, hysteric, impatient & too immature. The God must also be feeling much depressed by the servile act of human beings. Because, in essence, the man has lost all virtuous things in him, and has become better than the real beast, who, not only live to eat, but, also live to kill unnecessary lives simply to create panic and disturbance in the civilized life.

            This I am saying and writing because the evidences I have seen in the last few years on this green and blue planet, which was once filled with the harmonious and healthy lives and its various kinds. But, now, the master of all creatures, the man, has not only created disturbances in the smooth flow of nature, but, kill or destroyed many natural things, just for the sake of monetary gain and satisfaction of Ego. It is through gaining more and more property, the mankind is double crossing each other, in fair or unfair means.

            Numerous examples can be seen in this regard. At cosmic scale, many kind of things are sent in the space in the name of research, progress, safety, piece, etc, which is ultimately making even outer space more and more a kind of depot of decomposed thing. At global scale, mankind fought many wars, the most destructive the first and the second world wars. Now a days, there is a great problem of terrorism, whose, mother and father is non other than USA, who searches new markets for its weapon and to experiment it practically.

            At the national scale, it can be seen in the heinous form of crimeless corruption, ruthless murders, unsafe medical facilities, torturous service. Its examples are well visible in many kind of works like, bofores, mandal, commonwealth, triple murdercase of Meerut, Mubai’s Taj, Kashmir, Muzafar Nagars’, Shaharanpur’s, stealing of kidneys, Arushi’s, Nitharis’, etc.

            All this shows that, we are so lured by the money and property that, the meaning of human life and existence has deciphered into nothingness. What is the use of all these things, when there will be no one to share and enjoy? The God has made man for His appreciation, worship and to manage the resources those exist on this surface and to harmonies and civilize the life on it. But, what we find, that, each life on the earth is patched with too many patches. Is it good or bad? The machines, which are nothing but simply slaves of mankind, have become the death machine for all alike indifferent to man or animal. It is certainly, too bad.

            At this stage, we must think over things like that of the meaning of lives and its role on the earth? The philosophy that many a time taught by many a good saints, but, frequently forgotten by one and all. The man must save the time to become more civilized than the cruel being. Let us start becoming a true human being, full of humane essence, instead a killer, full of killer instinct, that is seen in the new version of the cruelty of man. Please, think it over.

Thursday, January 6, 2011

Work The Best Remedy

People think those who are sitting are fine and the best
The are erring here with their respective thought
Because, those who won't work
They invite many illness to work
Always in a restless way
Complaining to every thing and every one in every way

The illness starts from their mind
They pollute their thought
They oft for the wrong method of life
They are always right in their life
They want to dominate all every time
But, gradually due to their crime
They are ruthlessly dominated by evil time
Then they ask, What wrong I had done?
I was always correct, what I had done.

The thing is too poor some
It is certainly unfair
Unfair really in every spare
But, cunningly they excuse
Their wrongs in the judicious pattern
What they thing, the God is blind
No, deeds are reward sooner or later
They are awarded better
If delayed, then with interest
Compound in measure
But, sure in treasure

Hence, a noble person is that
Who never over acts
Have a simple notion
Have a simple devotion
To work unbiased
To work loyal
To love and let be loved.

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

safalta aur santosh

आधुनिक दुनिया एक अनोखी दुनिया है, जो खुद में इंतना उल्झिहुई है की क्या कहना! हर ब्यक्ति भागम भाग में लगा हुआ है, एक अंतहीन अंधी दौड़ में जिसका कोई ओर और चोअर नहीं है! दौड़ता भी है तो कीस लिए उसे खुद भी पता नहीं! उसकी दौड़ की रफतार भी बहुत अच्छी है, लेकिन बेलगाम, खुद नहीं जनता की अगले पल क्या होने वाला है!  हर ब्याकती  धन, प्रतिष्टा और आडम्बर तथा दिखावे के लिए दौड़ता है! फीर भी, वह सदा ही अशंतुष्ट ही रहता है!

आज मनुष्य की स्थिति कुछ कुछ आदी  काल के देवों सी हो गई है! जो सक्तियाँ उसने हाशिल की हैं, वो अति  विलक्षण है; अब तो उसे अपने आप पर नियंत्रण रखने की jaruरत है.वो भी भूधी के जरिये . क्योंकि मैंने पाया है की वह आपा धापी में अपने मूल स्वरुप को ही खो बैठा है. उसकी मूल प्रवृति जैसे मानवता, सहिर्दयता, प्रेम, समर्पण, लगाव, सम्मान, आदि का तो लोप सा होगया है.जो की उसकी मूल आवश्यकता है. उनके बिनना वह ना तो मनुष्य है और नहीं मनुष्य कहलाने के योग्य. 

मैंने देखा है की लोग सफल होअने के बाद भी लग्गातर परेशां से नजर आते है. उनकी आत्मा उनसे रूठी रूठी सी लगती है. वन्ही, पुराने समय में लोग कम धन और सफलौं के भी सदैव सुखी ही नजर आते थे. अब यह हमें निर्धारित करना है की हमें हमारे लिए , औरो के लिए, समाज के लिए और समय के लिए तथा भविष्य के लिए क्या चुनना है. धन्यबाद.