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01: What is communication ? 02: What is general communication? 03: What is technical Communication ? 04: What is the importance of technica...
The Bankrupt Generation The India and Indians are progressing very rapidly. But, in this leap and bound progress, there are many loop h...
Once in the book of Sociology I read there are few catego r ies of unemployed: Unempoyed, Partially Employed, Under Employed. But, the hea...
लोग कहते हैं की वो आदमी है लोगो का क्या है लोग तो कहेंगे पर करतूत उसकी ऐसी है की लगता है वो कोई और सा नज़रों में नफ़रत, दिल में दाग दिमा...
He is the Director of Applied Sciences in GLA University Mathura. Well educated a meritorious scholar, who candidly speaks the ultimate tr...
I think that it is not neither the God, nor the Nature, not even the preacher is the best Guru [the teacher], it the time and its odd segmen...
I think that it is not neither the God, nor the Nature, not even the preacher is the best Guru [the teacher], it the time and it...
आधुनिक दुनिया एक अनोखी दुनिया है, जो खुद में इंतना उल्झिहुई है की क्या कहना! हर ब्यक्ति भागम भाग में लगा हुआ है, एक अंतहीन अंधी दौड़ में जिस...
The newness never ends We appreciate it to deflect Our attention and mind With each new seconds With each new date With each new moment...
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