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Sunday, July 14, 2013

The Pain of Being Unemployed

Once in the book of Sociology I read there are few categories of unemployed:  Unempoyed, Partially Employed, Under Employed. But, the heart of all kinds of unemployed aches with the same pain and panic of depression, where, the life of a man lost in a unpromising and mysterious condition. While the vultures are sitting to extract the cream and other substances in the most ruthless way. Why? Just for there selfish need. The money. They find unemployed the most easiest prey to prey   upon. This pathetic condition of the people and the society is due to few reasons: There is no Grand Vision of the Life, There is no Grand Leader to revive, There is Low Value for Value-based life Style, The educational Institutions and Instructors have become a kind of Louse, The Money and Body rules the world, the Media is misguiding the people in Zero direction, The nakedness and obstinacy rule the world.

The irony of the unemployed
The severe exploitation
At all the level
By all the people
In the home and beyond
With familiar and unfamiliar
Taunted at every place.

The good mission and vision of life
Learnt in the literature of light
Lost some where in the fight
Because, the man is no more a man
Filled with human milk and kind
But, the present socio-culture
Makes him the selfish brute
Who severely brutalized the others lives
If, not, then will be severely crushed by others

All the pedantic knowledge and scholarly thoghts
Lost in the mortal market of mortality
Where men are no more men
But, machines tempered with tone of time
He counts the money,
Working like a mint that producing money
Tic tic tic like the needles of clock
Day in and day out
Even at the bed of the death
In the name and promise of
Service, Religion, Post and Power
But, in shameless way shamelessly
For what to get in the end, nothing
Neither life, nor Harmony
Neither belonging nor love
Neither respect nor affection

But, they certainly get the evil out put
The hated feeling of hellish fire
The loneliness of life full dissatisfaction
A infamous name with no desire.

Oh! God
Is it for this man is born?
To kill and be killed
To envy and be envied
To burn and be burned
Let me
Think it over again
With peace and purified soul
In the deep tranquilized heart
It is something different
Different from the others
God said
He likes that
A man must respect each other
A man must do the best for other
Including non human, with milk of humanity
Thank God
There are many more things to think
The day and the night.
Wish you the best.


Dr Shashikant Gupta

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