The man of today’s time has lost all his senses, logic and humanity; he has totally become fanatic, hysteric, impatient & too immature. The God must also be feeling much depressed by the servile act of human beings. Because, in essence, the man has lost all virtuous things in him, and has become better than the real beast, who, not only live to eat, but, also live to kill unnecessary lives simply to create panic and disturbance in the civilized life.
This I am saying and writing because the evidences I have seen in the last few years on this green and blue planet, which was once filled with the harmonious and healthy lives and its various kinds. But, now, the master of all creatures, the man, has not only created disturbances in the smooth flow of nature, but, kill or destroyed many natural things, just for the sake of monetary gain and satisfaction of Ego. It is through gaining more and more property, the mankind is double crossing each other, in fair or unfair means.
Numerous examples can be seen in this regard. At cosmic scale, many kind of things are sent in the space in the name of research, progress, safety, piece, etc, which is ultimately making even outer space more and more a kind of depot of decomposed thing. At global scale, mankind fought many wars, the most destructive the first and the second world wars. Now a days, there is a great problem of terrorism, whose, mother and father is non other than USA , who searches new markets for its weapon and to experiment it practically.
At the national scale, it can be seen in the heinous form of crimeless corruption, ruthless murders, unsafe medical facilities, torturous service. Its examples are well visible in many kind of works like, bofores, mandal, commonwealth, triple murdercase of Meerut, Mubai’s Taj, Kashmir, Muzafar Nagars’, Shaharanpur’s, stealing of kidneys, Arushi’s, Nitharis’, etc.
All this shows that, we are so lured by the money and property that, the meaning of human life and existence has deciphered into nothingness. What is the use of all these things, when there will be no one to share and enjoy? The God has made man for His appreciation, worship and to manage the resources those exist on this surface and to harmonies and civilize the life on it. But, what we find, that, each life on the earth is patched with too many patches. Is it good or bad? The machines, which are nothing but simply slaves of mankind, have become the death machine for all alike indifferent to man or animal. It is certainly, too bad.
At this stage, we must think over things like that of the meaning of lives and its role on the earth? The philosophy that many a time taught by many a good saints, but, frequently forgotten by one and all. The man must save the time to become more civilized than the cruel being. Let us start becoming a true human being, full of humane essence, instead a killer, full of killer instinct, that is seen in the new version of the cruelty of man. Please, think it over.