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Wednesday, December 28, 2011

THappy New Year

The newness never ends
We appreciate it to deflect
Our attention and mind
With each new seconds
With each new date
With each new moment
With each new friend
With each new relative

It is just to divert our pains
It is just to divert our minds
It is just to divert out hearts
To fill it with new zeal
To fill it with new meal
To fill it with new bill

What a new sense we have
What a courage we have
Never disheartened with the hardest time
Never discouraged with the hardest knowledge
Yes we men & women are too crazy
Like to welcome every thing
Repeatedly with the new energy
That is why we celebrate all the occasations
With even better vigour and vision
Than the past, erroring nothing
But, loosing the core of humanity.

Happy new year, 2012
To one and all.

Saturday, December 17, 2011

The Timeless Time

The  modern life is so tense and full of speed, that, now none of us have even a fraction of minute to delay for any reason, because, we don't want to be behind anybody and any where lost in the race, it may be maintain at any cost or rate, it won't matter whether it takes our life, which is the most precious thing in this universe, see, this is the world where we are living at present, but, it has lost its luster with too much glitters, not due to sun shine but due to our own wishes and minde, which is not ready to wait for a second or its fraction, for it makes our body run in its fullest motion, as it is lured my many lures, day and night, without and wish of a great knight. Hence, we must think over it, because, due to uncalculated and irrational speed we are loosing our most precious life in the most priceless way.

I think speed is good, but, better or the best in company of complete of security and safety. The speed is for the service of mankind not for the regulating mankind. Hence, we must try to give priorities to life and its supporting things for its care and developing better civilization than to the irrational desire and slavery of speed, which ends in nothing, but a critical condition, painful to one and all, but, with practicality and speed and professional attitude man has become more immune to its prime concern 'the humanity and feeling of humanitarion senses'. Why?