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Friday, January 20, 2012

Professional Communication Short Questions Delhi Institute of Engg. & Tech.Professional Communication Short Questions Delhi Institute of Engg. & Tech.Professional Communication Short Questions Delhi Institute of Engg. & Tech.

01: What is communication ?
02: What is general communication?
03: What is technical Communication ?
04: What is the importance of technical communication ?
05: What is the communication process ?
06: What is ideation ?
07: What is channel ?
08: What is encoding ?
09: What is decoding ?
10: What is result / action ?
11: What is  feedback ?
12: What is channel ?
13: What is level ?
14: What is Noise ?
15: What is barrier ?
16: What is the flow of communication ?
17: What is the objective of the technical communication ?
18: What is intrapersonal Communication ?
19: What is extrapersonal communication ?
20: What is organizational communication ?
21: What is emotional out brust?
22: What is mass communication?
23: What is upward flow of communication ?
24: What is downward flow of communication ?
25: What is diagonal flow of communication ?
26: What is grapevine pattern of communication ?
27: What is wrong assumption ?
28: What is varied perception ?
92. What are the components of a sales letter.
93. What is the kinesics ?
94. What are the things for writing a good & effective business letter ?
95. What is the proximix ?
96. What are the types of presentation ?
97. Define the theme presentation.
98. Define the audience profile.
99. Write tips for the oral presentation.
100. How many types of oral presentation are ?
101. What is the need of audience profile ?
102. Why we need the audience analysis ?
103. What are the qualities of the theme presentation ?
104. What are the main parts of the oral presentation ?
105. Discuss the significance of the non-verbal communcaition.
106. What is paralinguistics ?
107. Write a small note on the way of organizing content.
108. What is the time dimention?
109. Difine the audience & local.
110. What are the objectives or purpose of the presentation ?
111. Write a short note on the gateways for the better presentation.
112. What do you mean by the presentation technique ?
113. Discuss in short the language of space.
114. Write short note on:

29: What is differing background ?
30: What  is wrong inferences ?
31: What is impervious categeries ?
32: What is a word ?
33: What is sentence ?
34: What is the phrase ?
35. Define the Idiom .
36. What is word formation ?
37. Define the affix.
38. What is the prefix?
39. What is suffix ?
40. Define one word substitution.
41. Define the homophone.
42. Define the homonym.
43. Define the antonyms.
44. Define the synonyms .
45. Define the paronyms.
46. What is the art of condensation ?
47. What do you mean by the letter or business letter ?
48. Define the complain letter.
49. Define the sale letter.
50. Define the promotional letter.
51. Define the quotation letter.
52. Define the inquiry / enquiry letter.
53. Define the adjustment letter.
54. Define the request letter.
55. What is a job application ?
56. What is a resume ?
57. What is a bio-data / curriculm-vitae / CV ?
58. What is a dissertation ?
59. What is a report ?
60. What is a pruposal ?
61. What is a bibliography ?
62. What is a cover page?
(a) Pronunciation (b) Voice Modulation (c) Connectives.
115. Write a small note on the differences between science & humanities.
116. Write the difference between the creative products of the art & science.
117. Write the difference between the language of literature & science.
118. What is a rose to a scientist?
119. What is the scientific conclusion on the phenomenon of nature ?
120. What will happen if a nuclear power plant exploes ?
121. The industrial revolution started from which country ?
122. What is the cause of change in the modern world ?
123. How did the people of the pre-scientific era used to observe or see natural calamities ?
124. Why was  Giordano Bruno burnt alive ?
125. Why the philosophy  is the mother of all sciences ?
126. What is the result of insecticides on the earth, nature and mankind ?
127. Write the names of all the essays and their writers in systematic order.
128. Why people are becoming more and more unethical, opportunist now-a-days ?
129. What is the main objective of technology and the machine?
130. How should a scientics behave with nature & its works?
63. Define the cover letter.
64. Define the title page.
65. Define the table of content.
66. What is the acknowledgement ?
67. What is the preface ?
68. What is the foot note ?
69. Define the appendix .
70. Define the annexture .
71. Define the D.O. letter .
72. Define the project .
73. Define the thesis.
74. What is dessertation ?
75. What is the paragraph ?
76. What is the topic sentence ?
77. What is the role of the paragraph ?
78. Define the role of Coherence.
79. What are the main requites of the paragraph writing ?
80. What  is a precis ?
81. Define the role of the precis.
82. Define the solicited proposal.
83. Define the unsolicited proposal.
84. Explain the structure of the proposal.
85. Write the contents of the fron matter in a proposal / report.
86. Write a small note on the content of the report.
87. Highlight the qualities of a good report.
88. Discuss the stages of dissertation.
89. Write a small notes on the qualities of the report.
90. What are the qualities of a complaint letter ?
91. What is the presentation ?
131. What is the objective of human life and society in the world ?
132. Where the danger of human life & civilizatio lies ?
133. Is man the unique creature?
134. Why the professional communication is important in today’s time ?
135. What is personality ?
136. What is success ?
137. What is achievement ?
138. What are the machines ?
139. What is the role of machines in human life ?
140. What is the barrier in the upward communication ?
141. What is the barrier in the formal communcation ?

These are some small questions for the benefit of  the students of Delhi Institute of Engineering & Technology, (498), NH-58, Near Subharti University, at Ghat Institutional Area, Meerut, UP- 250005.  Prepared by                Dr Shashikant Gupta, Faculty of Professional Communication, DIET, Meerut.

Happy is that who works
Happy is that who learns
Happy is that who has discipline
Happy is that who never envies
Happy is that who never sad.

January 21; 2012, Saturday, 12:00 P.M..